Can Ambition Be Taught?

Ambition is a powerful driving force that, when rightly ordered, can propel you toward achieving you goals.

It’s often seen as a defining trait that separates those who reach the pinnacle of success from those who remain in the middle of the pack.

But can ambition be taught, or is it an innate quality that some people are simply born with?

Gary Vee says it’s both and the science agrees.

Like many questions about human behavior, it’s a combination of nature and nurture.

The Role of Genetics in Ambition

The debate between nature and nurture is as old as psychology itself.

On one side, there’s the belief that our traits, including ambition, are largely determined by our genetics.

On the other side, there’s the argument that our environment and experiences shape who we are.

In reality, both sides contribute to the development of ambition, creating a complex mosaic of influences that define how driven a person becomes.

To understand the genetic component of ambition, we can turn to the study “Heritability of the Big Five Personality Dimensions and Their Facets: A Twin Study.”

This research examined the heritability of the Big Five personality traits—openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism—and their facets.

Ambition is often closely linked with traits like conscientiousness and extraversion.

The study found that these personality traits, including those linked to ambition, have a significant genetic component. For instance, conscientiousness, a trait strongly associated with self-discipline and goal-oriented behavior, was found to have a heritability estimate of about 44%.

This suggests that nearly half of the variance in conscientiousness among individuals can be attributed to genetic factors.

These findings imply that some aspects of ambition may be hardwired into our DNA.

People with a genetic predisposition for conscientiousness may naturally display higher levels of ambition, finding it easier to set and pursue goals with determination.

The Influence of Environment on Ambition

However, while genetics play a crucial role, according to the study, it’s only 44%.

That means there is plenty of scope to develop ambition even if you are not genetically disposed to it.

Yet ambition is something that is not easily taught, rather it must be nurtured.

Nurture begins at home, with parents and caregivers setting the stage for how a child perceives ambition.

A household that values hard work, perseverance, and goal-setting is likely to foster these qualities in children.

Education also plays a significant role in nurturing ambition. Teachers who encourage students to strive for excellence, set high expectations, and provide support for achieving goals can instill a sense of ambition in their students.

Extracurricular activities, like sports, music, or debate, can further develop a child’s drive, teaching them the rewards of effort and the satisfaction of achievement.

Peer influence cannot be underestimated. Surrounding yourself with ambitious peers can create a competitive environment that pushes you to set higher goals and work harder to achieve them.

This social aspect of ambition shows that while some people may have a genetic inclination toward being ambitious, their environment can either amplify or diminish this trait.

How To Learn Ambition

Given the interplay between nature and nurture, it becomes clear that while some people may be naturally inclined to be ambitious, ambition can also be cultivated.

1. Surround Yourself With Ambitious People

One of the most effective ways to learn to be ambitious is by observing the behavior in others. When you see others setting goals, working hard, and persisting through challenges, you are more likely to adopt these behaviors yourself. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

2. Get A Mentor

Mentorship is another powerful tool in teaching ambition. A mentor can provide guidance, set an example, and offer encouragement, help to foster a sense of drive and purpose. Through regular interaction, a mentor can help you identify your goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and maintain motivation along the way.

3. Just Set Goals

Setting and achieving small goals is another method of developing ambition. Success breeds success, and by achieving smaller, manageable goals, you can build the confidence and skills needed to tackle larger challenges. This incremental approach helps to reinforce the value of persistence and effort, key components of ambition.

4. Try Hypnosis

 Hypnosis can help you rewire self limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

By bypassing your conscious mind and speaking directly to your subconscious, hypnosis can help you develop confidence, motivation, and unwavering belief in your abilities.


Ambition is both a product of nature and nurture. The genetic predisposition toward traits like conscientiousness and extraversion provides a foundation, but it is the environment that shapes and hones this raw material.

Ambition can be nurtured through positive influences, such as supportive family environments, educational opportunities, and mentorship. While not everyone may be born with the same level of ambition, it can certainly be cultivated and developed over time.

Genetics plays a significant role in shaping ambition, they do not determine it entirely. The right environment can unlock your potential, helping you become more ambitious and, ultimately, more successful.


Jang, K.L., Livesley, W.J. and Vemon, P.A. (1996), Heritability of the Big Five Personality Dimensions and Their Facets: A Twin Study. Journal of Personality, 64: 577-592.