Building Character

Why You Should Embrace Failure

Embracing failure is the key to unlocking your greatest successes. Failure – the word alone is enough to send shivers down the spines of even the most ambitious individuals. In a world that often glorifies overnight success and celebrates only the brightest stars, the concept of failure can feel like a scarlet letter, a mark

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Magnanimity in the Catholic Tradition

St. Thomas Aquinas once called magnanimity the “ornament of all virtues.” Magnanimity, derived from the Latin words “magnus” (great) and “animus” (soul or spirit), is often described as “greatness of spirit” in Catholic teaching. It’s a virtue that calls us to strive for spiritual and moral excellence, to reach for the heights of what God

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What is Magnanimity?

Imagine a world where everyone strived to embody a certain nobility of spirit, a grandeur of character that elevates not just the individual, but all of humanity. This is the essence of magnanimity. But what exactly is this lofty concept? Far from being a relic of ancient philosophy, magnanimity – or “greatness of soul” –

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How To Build Character

Your character is like a silent architect shaping the foundation of success and fulfilment in your life. Building character is not a one-time task; it’s a continuous process that requires self-awareness, dedication, and a commitment to personal growth. If you are intentional about it and committed it is possible to develop of a strong and

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How To Be Consistent

Consistency is a trait that extends beyond mere repetition; it embodies commitment, reliability, and the ability to be counted on by friends and family. Being consistent means putting in a dedicated effort day in and day out, regardless of the task at hand. It involves demonstrating a reliable and unwavering commitment to your responsibilities, goals,

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