How To Be More Humble

In a world that often emphasizes individual achievements and self-promotion, the virtue of humility is not often talked about.

However, learning how to be more humble is crucial for personal growth, building meaningful relationships, and contributing positively to society.

It is a critical part of developing magnanimity.

What Is Humility?

Humility is a virtue characterized by an honest and realistic assessment of your own abilities, accompanied by an openness to learning and openness to admitting your failings.

It involves a modest view of oneself and a recognition of the inherent value and strengths of others.

Humble individuals do not seek to dominate or belittle others but instead foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

Why Humility Is Important

1. Fosters Learning and Growth

Humility allows individuals to acknowledge their own shortcomings and be open to continuous learning and improvement.

By recognizing that we don’t have all the answers, we create space for personal and intellectual growth.

2. Strengthens Relationships

When you are humble, you are better equipped to build and maintain healthy relationships.

When you appreciate the strengths of others and are willing to put their needs before your own, you create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation.

3. Promotes Teamwork and Collaboration

In collaborative settings, humility is essential.

A humble person values the contributions of others, making teamwork more effective.

Collaboration thrives when everyone’s strengths are recognized and respected.

17 Ways To Be More Humble

1. Be Aware of Your Own Shortcomings

Acknowledge your weaknesses and be willing to work on improving them.

Embracing vulnerability is the first step toward humility.

2. Recognize the Strengths of Others

Take the time to appreciate and acknowledge the talents and strengths of those around you.

This builds an environment of mutual respect and admiration.

3. Show Gratitude Towards Others

Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to cultivate humility.

Acknowledge the contributions of others and thank them sincerely.

4. Be Generous

Practice generosity, whether it’s through acts of kindness, sharing resources, or offering assistance.

Generosity is a humble expression of putting others before oneself.

5. Be Prepared To Put Others’ Needs Before Your Own

Putting yourself first all the time is self-centered behaviour.

Putting the needs of others first and sacrifcing what you want or need is an act of service and an act of humility.

6. Be A Good Listener

Actively listen to others without interrupting.

Humility involves valuing the perspectives and experiences of those around you.

7. Give Compliments

Be generous with genuine compliments.

Acknowledging the achievements and qualities of others demonstrates humility.

8. Say Thank You

Simple expressions of gratitude, like saying thank you, go a long way in fostering humility.

Recognize and appreciate the efforts of those who contribute to your life.

9. Admit Mistakes

Humble individuals are not afraid to admit when they are wrong and admit they made a mistake.

They are not too proud to say so and can accept humbling themselves in front of others.

10. Take Responsibility

Accepting responsibility for mistakes is a sign of strength and self-awareness.

Own up to your actions and their consequences. Avoid blaming others or external circumstances.

11. Say Sorry

Apologize sincerely when you have hurt or wronged someone.

It takes humility to acknowledge your mistakes and seek forgiveness.

12. Be Willing to Ask for Help

Recognize that you don’t have all the answers.

Asking for help when needed shows humility and a willingness to learn from others.

13. Take Feedback and Avoid Being Defensive

Accept constructive feedback gracefully.

Avoid becoming defensive, and use feedback as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

14. Be Yourself, Don’t Try to Be Someone You’re Not

Authenticity is a key aspect of humility.

Be true to yourself and resist the temptation to present a false image to others.

15. Don’t Boast

Refrain from excessive self-promotion.

Humble individuals don’t feel the need to constantly highlight their achievements.

16. Be Kind

Kindness is a manifestation of humility.

Treat others with compassion and empathy, recognizing the shared humanity that connects us all.

17. Be of Service to Your Family and Community

Actively contribute to the well-being of your family and community.

Humility extends beyond personal interactions to making a positive impact on the larger world.


In a world that often celebrates individual achievements and self-promotion, the value of humility cannot be overstated.

By cultivating humility in your daily life, you not only foster personal growth and stronger relationships but also contribute positively to the lives of those around you.